Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jom BoRak PaSaL PoLiTik...

Aku bukan sorang pengikut politik yg taksub tapi aku adalah pemerhati yg bkn hanya memandang tanpa berfikir. Sbnrnya aku tak ske membicarakan perihal politik tapi dek krn sedih dgn apa yg berlaku skarang ini aku ingin berkongsi dgn kamu sume.

Aku tertarik dgn article yg ditulis oleh sorang Penduduk Tetap yg berasal dari Ghana yg telah tinggal di negara ni lbh dari 20 taon. Beliau terpanggil utk mengeluarkan pendapatnya di akhbar theSun bertarikh 7/8/2009 di ruangan SPEAK UP! :: Letters. Articlenya boleh dilihat di sini.

Aku bkn pemidato terbaik atau pandai dlm hal politik ini, tapi aku ttp tak memejamkan mata & menulikan telinga atau menjadi sorang rakyat yg boleh diperkotak-katikkan. Apa yg boleh aku perkatakan mmg pendirian aku adalah sama dgn penulis article tu.

So korang tafsirkan la sendiri.....

What else do you want, my friends?

I REFER to the recent anti-ISA protest on Aug 1, which almost brought the capital to its knees.

What is there to be afraid of a law if you believe you are doing the right thing and at the same time exercising self control? Every law including the ISA aims at protecting peace and tranquillity of a particular society. Malaysia, being a unique country, in terms of its multiracial and multireligious society, needs to take appropriate measures through laws to safeguard the peace, harmony and prosperity which have been enjoyed over the years. To quote a Malaysian professor, “Malaysia is in stable tension” due to its ethnic makeup, with each race striving to get equal share of the national cake. To maintain or reduce this tension requires a yeoman’s job.

Malaysians should bear in mind that Malaysia is still a young country and in no way should be equated with developed countries who claim to practise “freedom of speech”. It took these countries hundreds of years to fully implement the so called freedom of speech. These countries have laws which put restrictions on their citizens regarding freedom of speech when it comes to national security issues. The United States, for example, a country known to champion democracy and freedom of speech, used the Patriot Act in the aftermath of 9/11, to restrict or deny some freedom in the name of national security.

Malaysia has made great strides in many fields, viz economic, social, education, etc, which depends more on the peace and harmony the country has enjoyed over the years. In fact, Malaysia is admired by many who want to follow the Malaysian example. Throughout my stay in Malaysia, almost two decades, I have seen the country grow year by year in many aspects of life.

The people need to be patient with the laws, be it ISA or other laws. After all the aim of ISA is to safeguard the existing peace and harmony in Malaysia. We should bear in mind that things cannot change overnight rather changes come with changes in other aspects and maturity of the people.

Rome, they say, was not built in a day. I remember a line in a poem which goes, “Man oh man.

Man will never be satisfied …” Again, if you want to satisfy everybody you will end up satisfying nobody.

As a Ghanaian living here, I always tell my Malaysian friends to be grateful. In fact, I am a Malaysian product myself as I benefited from the prosperity of this country as far as education and self development is concerned. Terima Kasih Malaysia.

Ali Salman

Shikin JD : Sbg warganegara Malaysia yg berdaulat & waras, apa pula tindakan yg perlu kite ambil??? W/p demokrasi itu perlu & penting tapi kite kena menjunjung tanah tumpah darah yg tercinta demi anak cucu kite di masa hadapan. Jgn perjudikan nasib mereka.

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